Welcome to the electronic appeals process for Iredell County. You may request an appeal any time prior to the adjournment of the Board of Equalization and Review or within 30 days of your last Notice of Assessed Value. All requests for appeal must be made in writing or by completing an appeal using the Iredell County Online Appeal System. Appeal forms are available at The County Assessor's Office. The first meeting of the Board of Equalization and Review must be held no earlier than the first Monday in April and no later than the first Monday in May. Actual times and dates will be advertised in the local newspaper.
All property, real and personal, shall as far as practicable be appraised or valued at its true value in money. When used in this Subchapter, the words "true value" shall be interpreted as meaning market value, that is, the price estimated in terms of money at which the property would change hands between a willing and financially able buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or to sell and both having reasonable knowledge of all the uses to which the property is adapted and for which it is capable of being used. For the purposes of this section, the acquisition of an interest in land by an entity having the power of eminent domain with respect to the interest acquired shall not be considered competent evidence of the true value in money of comparable land.
If YES, no appeal is necessary. You may exit this form without submitting.
If NO, please continue with the remainder of this form.
A change in value will be considered only if the real estate owner can demonstrate through competent material and substantial evidence that the county’s assessed value is arbitrary or illegal and that the assessed value substantially differs from the true value in money (market value) of the property as of January 1 of the reappraisal year 2023. 2025 assessed values are based on the 2023 Reappraisal and Schedule of Values, with an effective date of January 1, 2023.
Appeals must be completed in their entirety and submitted within the prescribed time. Include your daytime phone number in the event an appraiser needs to contact you. The appraiser responsible for your area will review the information you have provided and respond to you with a new Notice of Real Estate Assessed Value.
The objective of this review will be to assure your property is appraised at 100% of its true (market) value, based on the 2023 Reappraisal and Schedule of Values. Therefore, your value could decrease, increase or remain the same.
Taxpayers have the right to file a formal appeal to the Board of Equalization and Review. Taxpayers may request an appeal any time prior to the adjournment of the Board of Equalization and Review or within 30 days of your last Notice of Real Estate Assessed Value. All requests for appeal to the Board of Equalization and Review must be made in writing or submitted to the Iredell County Assessor. The first meeting of the Board of Equalization and Review must be held no earlier than the first Monday in April and no later than the first Monday in May. Actual times and dates will be advertised in the local newspapers. Prior to the Board of Equalization and Review hearing, an appraiser will visit the property to insure the accuracy of the Tax Office data.
Items to have available before beginning:
You should have the parcel number, which can be found on the Notice of Real Estate Assessed Value you received. You can also search for your parcel number by clicking here: Iredell County Online Tax Services. (https://web.co.iredell.nc.us/PublicAccess/BasicSearch.aspx)
If you have supporting documentation (recent appraisals, recent sales information, photos, etc.), they should be available in electronic format and stored where you can browse to them through your computer operating system. You will be able to upload that data to further substantiate your opinion of value.
Please review the following instructions. Acknowledge that you have read and understand the instructions by clicking on the button labeled “I Agree” at the bottom of the page prior to starting the Electronic Appeal.
It is best to proceed from top to bottom filling in the information requested on the Electronic Appeals form; the fields are self-explanatory. Required fields are indicated by the presence of a red asterisk (*). The parcel number should be entered precisely as printed on the notification of value, or in the Iredell County Online Tax Services. (https://web.co.iredell.nc.us/PublicAccess/BasicSearch.aspx)
In the File Uploads section, the Electronic Appeal form will allow you to submit up to 5 separate files as part of your appeal. To do this, simply press the “Browse “button and select the individual file from your operating system. You cannot select multiple files as a single attachment. You’ll find information regarding the types of files you can upload on the Electronic Appeal Form itself.
Online appeals are accepted for informal reviews only. Any request for appeal to the Board of Equalization and Review must be made in writing and submitted to the Iredell County Assessor.
I have read and understand the instructions as posted.